
Arm cosmetic surgery inner side lift

The familiar meaning of Lifting is "Rejuvenation and renovation operation." This term is commonly used for facial areas, when it comes to arm it is also known as a brachioplasty or brachial lift.

What are the motivations for an arm lift ?

The arms are often subject to a loss of skin elasticity.

Aging, pregnancy, significant weight loss are often the causes of excess fat in the inner arm. The brachial lifting intervention is appropriate when a single lipoaspiration is not enough because the slackening of the skin is too important.

A sagging skin is a disgrace that can sometimes be uncomfortable, give a complex and make clothing difficult. This can affect both the physical and psychological aspects.

What are the objectives of cosmetic surgery ?

The intervention of a brachial lift aims to reduce excessive fat infiltration, to achieve the removal of excess skin, and redrape everything for a more harmonious result and a slimmer body shape.

What happens during the surgery ?

Lipoaspiration is not practiced routinely, only if there is a fatty infiltration. Then the excess skin is removed, afterwards all is redraped with sutures more or less important depending on the condition of your skin sagging.

Three types of incisions can be practiced :

  • in the length of the inner arm,
  • in one of the folds of the armpit,
  • or a combination of both, but shorter in length.


After surgery, a compression bandage is made.

+ What is the type of anesthesia

According to the case, anesthesia may be local, deep if administered intravenously by tranquilizers or general.

This will be the subject of a discussion between you and your surgeon during a consultation.

+ And the scar ?

So 3 scars are observed, resulting from suture, larger or smaller depending on the size of the skin removed.

Being hidden in the inner part of the arm, it isn’t seen either from front or back, but with raised arms in short sleeves.

+ How long is the surgery ?

It can vary from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the extent of the intervention.

What are the postoperative courses ?

Hospitalization usually lasts a day.

The postoperative course is not very painful, limited to tightness and decreased with treatment of pain medication. Bruising (bruises) and an edema (swelling) appear on the treated area, but gradually disappear.

A work stoppage can be prescribed according to your business activity.

Sport and great efforts are not recommended throughout the first 4 weeks, during the first healing period.

The scar, often pale pink the first 3 months, gradually fades over 1 to 2 years. This evolution only depends on the patient capability of healing.

Treated areas should not be exposed to UV for at least 4 months to prevent a skin pigmentation.

What is the expected result ?

The aesthetic effect is noticeable, with a real physical and psychological benefit.

This procedure gives results that continuously improve but remains delicate, with a consequent scar in most cases.

Quelles sont les complications envisageables ?

Following any operation whatsoever , certain complications can occur, the first ones related to the medical activity and the others to anesthesia.

Although possible complications only represent a small percentage, it is necessary to know them.

+ What are the specific risks of anesthesia ?

During your obligatory talk with the anesthetist, he will inform you in detail of the risks of anesthesia.

It is useful to know besides that during the last twenty years, the risks have not been eradicated but remain almost insignificant.

+ What are the specific risks of the surgery ?

During the consultations with your surgeon all the possible complications will be detailed to you.

To inform you previously, here are the possible risks :

  • An imperfection of the result which could lead to alterations.
  • A skin necrosis (clearly incited by smoking as well as obesity) often remains limited, rarely important.
  • An infection prevented by a meticulous pre-and postoperative hygiene until healing is completed, may require, according to the case, further surgery, drainage or antibiotic treatment.
  • Bleeding and hematoma can sometimes be observed and may require evacuation or puncture in order not to alter the result.
  • A change in sensitivity in the region of the inner arm is common and disappears after 3 to 6 months.
  • Thromo-embolic accidents (phlebitis, pulmonary embolism), the most serious complication, are exceptional and precautions are taken to reduce risk.


These informations given by Dr. Philippe Letertre should only be a help or a supplement to your surgeon’s consultations
Our space "Questions / Answers" is also available for you.

Feel free to contact Dr. Letertre
so that he could meet your expectations.